Seed to Stem
Every bed is created using no till, sheet mulching techniques. Grasses and weeds are cut low to the ground and cardboard is placed on top. After, a thick layer of compost is added. All of this serves to preserve the structural integrity of the soil and to keep soil microbes happy. The happier the microbes are, the happier, healthier and more resilient our flowers will be in the field.
The majority of our flowers are started from seed using "soil blocks". Rather than using plastic seed starting trays, little, 3/4 inch soil cubes are created using a handmade peat free soil blend. I avoid using peat moss, a common soil additive, on the farm because of its non-renewable nature and the damage caused to sensitive peat bog habitat when it is extracted for human use. I have found soil blocks result in stronger, faster growing, healthier plants.
After a few weeks growing indoors, seedlings are moved into a sheltered area outside in order to "harden off" or toughen up and become acclimated to the elements. Finally, they are ready to be transplanted outside into the beds.
The plants then have to contend with extreme heat or cold (depending on the season), wind, flooding, weeds, and pests that want to devour them. Beds are mulched deeply. This helps control weeds, insulates the plants from cold weather and retains moisture during the hottest months. It also eventually breaks down and feeds the microbial life in the soil. Weeds are hand picked or hoed out. Absolutely no weed killer is used on the farm. Pests are controlled to the best of my ability mostly through handpicking, insect covering, and with the help of beneficial insects. No synthetic, harsh chemicals are used to combat insect pressure. In the coldest months, plants are covered nightly with frost cloth to insulate them and during the hottest months, plants are covered with shade cloth to combat the intensity of the sun. Cover crops are incorporated as space allows, which protects the soil and, of course, feeds the microbes!
Every single stem is selected and hand harvested by me. Each flower type requires knowledge of when the optimal time to harvest is and each has different flower conditioning requirements post-harvest. These practices ensure the longest lasting flowers for you. I arrange each bouquet myself and aim to provide you with an interesting mix of color, textural elements and fragrance. Each one is hand wrapped using 100% home-compostable materials.
Farming is not easy! Farming using beyond-organic, regenerative practices is even harder. All of this requires a tremendous amount of hard work, upfront cost and a level of risk I never thought I would be comfortable with. But, this work and these practices are necessary in creating a more sustainable floristry industry, a positive contribution to the earth and a better product for flower lovers! I can't wait for you to experience the difference of locally grown blooms.